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BILETA - Abstracts out

[BILETA 2007 Accepted Papers]

Wow. This year’s BILETA is shaping up to be really interesting. Below are some of the presentations that I have already staked out in my schedule:

  • Joel D’Silva - Nanotechnology: Development, Risk and Regulation (besides an interest in emerging tech and the law, I’ve had a number of engineering friends in the nanotech biz for quite a while).
  • Anne-Kathrin Kuehnel - How open is open? Microsoft’s Shared Source Initiative as an Alternative to Open Source Software (will be interested to hear her take on Microsoft’s program and its fit within the wider FLOSS movement).
  • Caroline Wilson and Hiroko Onishi - The online persona: Hikikomori, avatars and Japanese intellectual property law (Always want to hear more Japanese IP law, especially any possible relation to my work on fansubs).

I also note that fellow AHRC Research Centre residents Nicolas Jondet and Rowena Rodriguez are going to be there. Rowena’s paper Big bio-brother is here, watching, taking and keeping your DNA will be in the same stream (Horizon Scanning) as I. Nicolas’s paper La France v. Apple: who’s the dadvsi in DRMs? will be in what is shaping up to be a good crop of IP papers this year. Nicolas fills in a gap in understanding about the French IP law for us non-French speakers. Not only that, with Apple’s recent wrangling over DRM/TPMs and iTunes with Norway and Jobs statement against DRM/TPMs, it will be a hot-button topic.

My presentation is an update to my paper Of Otaku and Fansubs, which was published in SCRIPTed. I’ll be expanding the update and giving it a more UK legal focus at BILETA. I gave a related presentation on the subject for the mostly international audience that was present at Gikii at the VI Computer Law World Conference last September, and it will be good to get to more of the nuts and bolts of it all at BILETA.


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