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China, corruption, and lawyers

Ben Muse has this post where he reviews and comments on a new book on doing business in China:

James McGregor takes this up in his 2005 book on doing business in China - One Billion Customers. Lessons From the Front Lines of Doing Business in China. McGregor, a former Wall Street Journal China bureau chief, former chief executive of Dow Jones in China, former chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, investor and consultant on China, knows how business is done in China.

In his review of corruption and bribery, I can’t help but wonder about the big law firms that are also moving into China. Are they too engaging in bribery to get cases? Advising foreign clients on how to bribe to get things done? I would hope not, but I’d like to hear about the front lines of the law business in China as well.

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