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iSummit legal day - liveblog 1

Legal day session 1

Arrived in Dubrovnik — Many thanks to the entire iCommons team for everything!

Session one - Localizing 3.0

After an introduction by Catharina and Heather, two representatives from CC-Netherlands discussed the versioning process to 3.0. CC-Scotland is in the middle of updating from 2.5 to 3.0, and this will prove helpful.

For those that are interested, the suggested process is:

  1. Get in touch with iCommons
  2. Read the documents on iTeamspace — these include analysis docs on 3.0 and a checklist for upgrading to 3.0.
  3. Check and review the current licence for what is needed to change.
  4. Read the checklist.
  5. Determine the situation with collecting societies in your jurisdiction — dealing with collecting societies is a major update to version 3.0.
  6. Translate the changes into the applicable language. For us in Scotland, this will involve changing “license” to “licence”.
  7. Send the retranslated licence back to iCommons.
  8. Wait for feedback and change accordingly.
  9. Implement the changes in HTML (with help from CC).
  10. Check, double check, triple check and then check again — any mistakes cannot be corrected

There was good discussion on DB rights and their inclusion in the CC licences. Database rights are particularly relevant for the EU jurisdictions, where we have the Database directive. I was surprised to find out that so many jurisdictions in the EU had included DB rights in their CC versions from the beginning — people at the conference mentioned Slovenia, Germany, the Netherlands, France, and Belgium as all having DB rights in the licence. This is an area that is not covered directly in the UK licences, but I would like to explore.


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