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iSummit legal day - liveblog 2

Session 2 on trying to measure use of CC.

Mike Linksvayer went through some of the problems in trying to track CC use.  Key points:

  • Search for backlinks is very volatile because the numbers differ between search engines and can vary depending on which server (of the search engine) you happen to be on.
  • Google’s numbers are very low because Google believes that the backlink feature is used by spammers to discover search engine algorithms and so isn’t reflective.  Yahoo and All the web both offer larger samples.

Giorgos Cheliotis of Singapore Management University discussed the CC-Monitor project, which is an attempt to look at what everyone is doing and the use of the licences.  He went through many of the stats and compared jurisdiction specific use and comparison between the licences.

There is a whole lot to digest here, and I wouldn’t do it justice to try to summarize all the points.  But I note that some of the comparisons were used with just UK as a category, when there is actually two CC licences for the UK — CC-Scotland and CC-England and Wales.  However, some of the jurisdiction specific comparisons were broken down with this difference reflected.

Other points:

  • The study does point to BY-ND as being the least popular licence.
  • Spain is very dominant in the jurisdiction specific numbers.
  • Their grand total is 60 million plus CC licensed items online

As a final note, the paper and findings will be coming soon — the data is not available as of yet online.


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