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Archive for September, 2007

Full feeds

Friday, September 28th, 2007

I didn’t realise that I was only sending out summary feeds — must of changed in an update. FYI, full feeds are now on.

Museum Association Exhibition 2007

Friday, September 28th, 2007

In Glasgow. October 22nd and 23rd. I’m looking forward to:
Cybermuseology: conveying culture
Are new technologies useful tools for conveying culture? If you want to find out more about innovative solutions to disseminate knowledge related to collections, then this seminar is for you. Speakers will focus on online interactive applications to show how to convey collections […]

Texas Bar Circle

Friday, September 28th, 2007

Social networking, just for Texas lawyers.
I got an invite to join Texas Bar Circle from the State Bar of Texas, of which I am a member.
The service is a product of affinitycircles.com The invite states:
The State Bar of Texas is excited to introduce Texas Bar Circle, a new networking tool. Texas Bar Circle is a […]

OwnTerms - Privacy policy

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

OwnTerms is a site that brings together some standard terms and conditions so that the public may easily get access to some boilerplate legal docs. From their site:
OwnTerms is designed as a repository for “boilerplate” legal documents: those that every web site, startup, or entrepreneur needs but doesn’t want to draft in a lawyer for.
All […]

Open data licences now out

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

Just a quick note that things have been heating up over at opencontentlawyer.com on the new open data licence that Charlotte Waelde and myself have been working on. Go on over and have a look if you are interested in open licensing.

What I’ve been surfing for 28th August 2007 through 26th September 2007

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

These are my links for 28th August 2007 through 26th September 2007:

New Blog from HeinOnline - HT to Slaw. Not sure why Hein is doing a blogspot blog - lame.
Canadian Firm Opens New Office in Second Life - Still not sure what they are doing there. Maybe Andy Powell knows…
RIAA Abandons “Making […]

That’s “Dr. Hatcher” to you…

Wednesday, September 26th, 2007

A little OT for twitchgamer, but oh well…
ARE THERE ANY DOCTORS OR ASSOCIATES IN THE HOUSE? ABA story on whether the JD or Juris Doctor degree entitles lawyers to call themselves ‘Doctor’.
This is one of the issues I face over here in the UK, especially in academia. Many don’t think that the JD degree […]

skill through rapidly pushing buttons