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OwnTerms - Privacy policy

OwnTerms is a site that brings together some standard terms and conditions so that the public may easily get access to some boilerplate legal docs. From their site:

OwnTerms is designed as a repository for “boilerplate” legal documents: those that every web site, startup, or entrepreneur needs but doesn’t want to draft in a lawyer for.

All the documents on OwnTerms are licensed under a Creative Commons license, enabling anyone to take them and edit them for their own use provided certain conditions are met.

A privacy policy that I drafted for the Personality Rights Database and then later adapted to my WordPress blog websites (twitchgamer and opencontentlawyer) is now up as Privacy Policy2 and is available here.

The policy is in the public domain, but if you’d like the comfort of a CC licence, then please use the CC-BY Scotland licence.

All of this is of course with the usual caveat — I am actually a lawyer but I’m not YOUR lawyer. This form is not legal advice.

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