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Archive for November, 2007

What I’ve been surfing for 13th October 2007 through 27th November 2007

Wednesday, November 28th, 2007

These are my links for 13th October 2007 through 27th November 2007:

Copyright and trade mark trolls? (IP Thinktank Blog) - Copyright trolls? There’s a thought…
public.resource.org - Freeing gov info
NPR : Ed Burns Makes First Straight-to-iTunes Movie - One of my favourite moviemakers new film is going straight to iTunes rather than through traditional […]

BILETA 2008 call for papers

Tuesday, November 27th, 2007

Seem very web 2.0 / Gikii themed!
Glasgow Caledonian University on 27-28 March 2008
“Law Shaping Technology; Technology Shaping the Law”
Security and privacy of our personal information is becoming a central theme with the rise in social networking technologies and user generated content. Have sites such as Facebook and YouTube responded in a timely and […]

Speed geeking open access to law in the UK

Tuesday, November 27th, 2007

I’ve mentioned a few times on this blog about open access to legal publishing in the UK and how we should all start the ball rolling on discussing some of the issues. As I was thinking about it some more this morning, I think that we need a speed geek on open access to law […]

Open Rights Group

Monday, November 19th, 2007

ORG is two years old! The report of ORG’s first two years of activity is available from their site (click here). I’m proud to say that I’ve played a small part in helping out ORG over this time, though of course not nearly as much as the amazing people on ORG’s board and of course […]

Post about Open Source Summit at ORG

Friday, November 16th, 2007

I posted over at the Open Rights Group blog about last week’s Open Source Summit sponsored by Olswang and Greenberg Traurig. The link is here.

SCRIPT-ed new look

Friday, November 16th, 2007

UK law journal SCRIPT-ed has a new look! Check it out here.

Japanese privacy in Oxford on Valentine’s day

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

For those of you looking for a romantic afternoon discussing data protection…
Networked Information Processing and Changing Attitudes to Privacy in
Thursday 14 February 2008 15:30 - 17:00
Dr Andrew A. Adams, School of Systems Engineering, The University of
Location: Oxford Internet Institute, 1 St Giles, Oxford, OX1 3JS.
This event is open to the public. If you would like […]

skill through rapidly pushing buttons