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Archive for the 'it law' Category

Great way to start a EULA

Friday, December 7th, 2007

I’m updating some software, and saw this beginning to the End User Licensing Agreement (EULA), which I really like. It highlights a more business oriented approach that tries to engage with their customer base, and puts off some criticism of the one-sided nature of EULAs — at least from a PR standpoint if not […]

In house? Take your IT people out to lunch.

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

From a post on how the new e-discovery rules in the USA are shaking out:
“In-house lawyers and IT people never have lunch together,” answers Ralph Losey, an attorney specializing in e-discovery at law firm Akerman Senterfitt.
Not only do they often not understand each other, they often don’t like each other. This is not good. Losey […]

Open Rights Group - E-Voting report now out

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

May 2007 Election Report: Findings of the Open Rights Group Election Observation Mission in Scotland and England.
This report gives the findings of ORG’s election observers from the trial projects at e-voting in Scotland and England from May 2007.  For further details, please consult the site.  The conclusions on the Scottish Parliament follow:
The Scottish Parliamentary Ballot […]

Employment law and cyberlaw

Sunday, May 27th, 2007

(HT to Adjunct Law Prof Blog) There is a new article on the possibilities of having to pay overtime for employee use of Blackberry’s and other technology devices outside of regular working hours.
J M Schlossberg and K B Malerba, “Tech-Tock: Work in a connected world” New York Law Journal: Labor & Employment 21 May 2007.
Employers […]

The Impact of Free Trade Agreements on Information Technology Based Business

Thursday, May 10th, 2007

So if you’ve been wondering why I haven’t blogged as much in-depth material lately, this is one of the reasons. I’ve been hard at work on the report for the IT-based business and FTA report. The report has been released as part of our working paper series and placed on SSRN. Citation and […]

skill through rapidly pushing buttons