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Archive for the 'Tattoos' Category

Copyright and tattoos - industry implications

Monday, October 1st, 2007

For an industry that has traditionally seen itself as outside of copyright, the implications of copyright laws may be wide ranging.
A look at several widely available “waiver and release” forms reveals a concern over the risks inherent in the tattoo process—releases for allergic reactions, scarring, color variations, misspellings, and the like—in an effort to […]

Copyright and tattoos - other cases

Monday, September 24th, 2007

Quick note — Beckham’s tattoo artist threatened suit over some ink that he put on Beck, but I don’t believe a suit was filed. This was in the UK in 2005.
Full story from the Mirror.
Someone mentioned after the conference that a gentleman was asked by Disney to remove some Disney-related ink after visiting the […]

Copyright in tattoos

Monday, September 24th, 2007

Can copyright extend to the human body?
My slides from my presentation last week exploring this question, up on the Gikii 2 website, got boing boinged. So here is a post about some of the issues that come up, including those that came up in the BoingBoing forum.
Tattoos and “works for hire”
US copyright law divides […]

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