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Archive for the 'About' Category

SLS member

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

I received my membership pack from the Society of Legal Scholars just before my move. I’m now officially a member!
Society of Legal Scholars

Apologies - posting to resume soon

Friday, November 2nd, 2007

For not posting much lately. The triple whammy of completing the report on the UK cultural heritage sector (out soon!), moving home, and taking ill have all prevented me from getting online, much less posting here and at opencontentlawyer. I have a few posts in the hopper and will have some more content […]

Otaku paper cites

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

I just did a check in Westlaw for some citations, and realised that my paper on Japanese anime, fansubs, and copyright was cited in:
R. Tushnet, “Domain and Forum: Public Space, Public Freedom”, 30 Colum. J.L. & Arts 597 (2007). [Link]
R. Tushnet, “Payment in Credit: Copyright law and subcultural creativity”, 70-SPG Law & Contemp. Probs. 135 […]

Welcome Blawg Review readers

Monday, October 1st, 2007

Thanks to a mention in Blawg Review #128 over at Lex Ferenda there are several of you checking out my site. Welcome! You can find out more about me in the ‘About’ section, or over at my other blawg, opencontentlawyer.com. You can read the posts about tattoos and copyright over in the ‘Tattoo’ category […]

Full feeds

Friday, September 28th, 2007

I didn’t realise that I was only sending out summary feeds — must of changed in an update. FYI, full feeds are now on.

That’s “Dr. Hatcher” to you…

Wednesday, September 26th, 2007

A little OT for twitchgamer, but oh well…
ARE THERE ANY DOCTORS OR ASSOCIATES IN THE HOUSE? ABA story on whether the JD or Juris Doctor degree entitles lawyers to call themselves ‘Doctor’.
This is one of the issues I face over here in the UK, especially in academia. Many don’t think that the JD degree […]

Posting again

Saturday, August 25th, 2007

Sorry I’ve been a bit quiet as of late.  I’ve been covering the 2007 Edinburgh International Film Festival for Cinema Minima.

skill through rapidly pushing buttons